The Clinical and Translational Working Party

The Clinical and Translational Working Party (CLIN WP) is chaired by Mario Cruciani and has the task of devising ways of validating the proposed standard for Aspergillus PCR in a clinical setting by conducting systematic reviews of the literature and meta-analysis and conducting translational research that allows fungal PCR to be formally evaluated for its diagnostic utility. The C&T WP comprises 5 groups on Aspergillus, Candida, Pneumocystis, mucorales and tissue diagnosis and meets every quarter holding at least two face-to-face meetings and relying on WEB meetings and conference calls for the remainder.


Mario Cruciani (chair)
Rosemary Barnes
Catherine Cordonnier
Werner Heinz
Brian Jones
Lena Klingspor
Deborah Lockhart
Carlo Mengoli
Johan Maertens
Tom Rogers
Adilia Warris
Lewis White
Lottie Brown


Mario Cruciani, MD is an infectious diseases specialist with a large experience in infectious diseases and clinical microbiology. At present he is leader of the Antibiotic Stewardship Programme and  Health care associated infection at the G. Fracastoro Hospital, San Bonifacio Verona. Among his research interest is  meta-analysis of clinical trials and of diagnostic tests. He is Cochrane reviewer and associate editor of the Cochrane Clinical Answers. Dr. Cruciani is author of more than 130 publications retrievable from PubMed. 


Birgit Willinger (chair)
Alexandre Alanio
Rosemary Barnes
Sharon Chen
Rebecca Gorton
Brian Jones
Deborah Lockhart
Carlo Mengoli
Tom Patterson
Riina Richardson
Markus Ruhnke
Boualem Sendid
Adilia Warris
Lewis White
Lottie Brown

Dr Birgit Willinger

Birgit Willinger, Associate professor, Consultant of Clinical Microbiology at the Division of Clinical Microbiology, Department of Laboratory Medicine, Medical University of Vienna, head of the Austrian reference laboratory for yeasts and moulds.

Current president of the Austrian Society of Hygiene, Microbiology and Preventive Medicine, president of the German Speaking Mycology Society, present head of the section “Antimycotic Therapy” of the Paul-Ehrlich-Gesellschaft (PEG), Germany  and past president of the Austrian Society of Medical Mycology (2006 -2012).

Birgit Willinger received her MD from the University of Vienna and was then trained at the Hygiene-Institute of the Medical University of Vienna. She became fascinated by medical mycology when she visited a summer course at Duke University, Durham, NC, USA. This was followed by several fellowships at different mycology units in Germany (Hamburg, Freiburg, and Göttingen). She then established the diagnostic work up at the Division of Clinical Microbiology of the former Department of Hygiene and Medical Microbiology, Medical University of Vienna and also runs the Austrian reference laboratory for yeasts and moulds. Since October 2017 she is in charge of the Division of Clinical Microbiology at the Medical University of Vienna.

The focus of her research is based on epidemiology, diagnosis of fungal infections as well as antifungal susceptibility testing.


Riina Richardson (chair)
Alexandre Alanio
Rosemary Barnes
Stephane Bretagne
Sharon Chen
Catherine Cordonnier
Werner Heinz
Brian Jones
Lena Klingspor
Carlo Mengoli
Tom Rogers
Lewis White
Lottie Brown


Dr. Riina Rautemaa-Richardson DDS, PhD, FRCPath

I am a Senior Lecturer in Infectious Diseases and Medical Education in the Division of Infection,

Immunity and Respiratory Medicine, Faculty of Biology, Medicine and Health, University of Manchester and a Consultant Medical Mycologist at the University Hospital of South Manchester. I am a member of the UHSM Infectious Diseases team and associated with the National Aspergillosis Centre, and I have expertise in medical microbiology, medical mycology, infectious diseases, antimicrobial stewardship and infection prevention as well as mucosal immunology and oral and vaginal health and disease. I have a special interest in chronic mucosal candidosis and expertise in the management of a spectrum of other mycoses including fungal sinusitis and skin infections in compromised patients.

I am the lead for Infectious Diseases learning for Manchester Medical School and the Programme Director for the University of Manchester MSc in Medical Mycology. My research group undertakes basic research (genomics, pathogenesis and mechanisms of antimicrobial drug resistance and carcinogenicity of microbial acetaldehyde production), applied laboratory work (models of pathogenesis, molecular diagnostics, antifungal resistance testing, pharmacology of new antimicrobials), and clinical studies (antimicrobial resistance, tissue responses to chronic mucosal infection and acetaldehyde exposure). My main emphasis is on the pathogenesis of chronic mucosal infections as well as the carcinogenicity and mutagenicity of chronic Candida infections. To date I has published a total of over 100 peer-reviewed articles and books or book chapters in the field of medical microbiology, mucosal immunology, infectious diseases and oral medicine, and I am the Reviews Editor for Medical Mycology journal.


Ela Lackner (chair)
María José Buitrago Serna
Stephane Bretagne
Werner Heinz
Onya Opota
Carlo Mengoli
Laurence Millon
Tom Patterson
Volker Rickerts
Boualem Sendid
Lottie Brown

Dr. Michaela Lackner

Assoz. Prof. Priv.-Doz. Mag. Dr. rer. nat. Michaela Lackner

Associated Professor
Leader of the Mycology Research Group
Institut for Hygiene and Medical Microbiology
Medical University of Innsbruck (MUI)

Michaela Lackner is Associate Professor at the Division of Hygiene and Medical Microbiology (HMM) at the Medical University of Innsbruck (MUI), Innsbruck. Austria. In 2016 she completed her habilitation in Hygiene and Medical Microbiology at the MUI. Since 2017, she heads the Mycological Research Group at the HMM.

She has a strong interest in fungal pathogens, particularly in the development of novel diagnostic tools, taxonomy of fungal pathogens and in understanding antifungal resistance mechanisms. Lackner has authored more than 80 publications in peer reviewed articles and is involved in the training of medical and science graduates and undergraduates in Social Medicine, Hygiene and Medical Microbiology.


Frédéric Lamoth (chair)
Alexandre Alanio
Elisabeth Johnson
Catriona Halliday
Onya Opota
Carlo Mengoli
María José Buitrago Serna
Tom Patterson
Riina Richardson
Volker Rickerts
Markus Ruhnke

Frédéric Lamoth Associate Professor, MD, FAMH

Frédéric Lamoth is a Swiss medical doctor with board certifications (FMH/FAMH) in general internal medicine, infectious diseases and clinical microbiology. After a post-doctoral fellowship at the Mycology Research Unit of Duke University (Durham, NC), he is currently affiliated at the Infectious Diseases Service and the Institute of Microbiology of the Lausanne University Hospital (Switzerland). His research focuses on medical mycology including molecular/cellular biology (mechanisms of antifungal resistance in Aspergillus fumigatus, Candida auris and Mucor spp.), diagnostic microbiology (performance of existing and novel diagnostic fungal tests) and clinical research (therapeutic approaches of invasive fungal infections). He is fellow of the European Confederation of Medical Mycology (FECMM), advisor for the antifungal subcommittee of the Clinical and Laboratory Standards Institute (CLSI), member of the Fungal PCR Initiative (FPCRI) and member of the executive committee of the Fungal Infection Network of Switzerland (FUNGINOS).